Alt-Life | Open-world Explorer Game Concepts

Digital & AI painting, Storytelling, UI Design

Personal projects are a hugely important part of my creative process - providing a counter weight to client work which involves deadlines, brand parameters and working collaboratively - all things I love - but having an outlet for all of the ideas that build up and need to be given life is invaluable and healthy. Some work starts as bi-product - those ideas that sit in the offcuts box, some are long running ideas that I love to explore and some are just random concepts that need somewhere to live so they don’t get in the way. These personal projects allow me to experiment with new techniques and tools and gives me the freedom to explore without constraint.

I love the word-building and storytelling in modern AAA games and have a particular passion for Open-world experiences. Alt-Life is an ongoing project which allows me to explore this passion.




Morphism | Experiments in Motion